Sunday, January 16, 2022

Studying abroad in Canada from UK 2022

I have done my long term HND Marine Engineering from City Of Glasgow College,Scotland UK. My main goal is to get a BEng Mechanical Engineering certificate and afterward settlement or work grant. In any case, I don't have the foggiest idea how Canada acknowledge my UK HND Qualification. Please help me companions and guide me quickly, how might I get top up year in Mechanical Engineering in Canada.

First thing is set aside time and cash.

1-I need to finish my BEng Mechanical Engineering inside 1 to 2 years. I'm not intrigued to take affirmation with regards to first year in UNI on the grounds that for this situation I have no advantage of my HND.

2-I think Canada is the most ideal choice in the event that they give me credit move at whatever year since there is for the most part UNI expenses are $10K to $13K as contrast with UK and AUS. And furthermore there is advantage to get work license or settlement.

Why I don't to need return UK again in light of the fact that there is no advantage of settlement or work license.

Much appreciated